Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Isadora's Birth Story

Since this was my first baby I was completely terrified about the whole birthing process. I had seen a video of a lady giving birth to a child and that definitely didn't help relieve my fears, in fact it added to them. I had a friend tell me that the reason hospital windows don't open is because you will want to throw yourself out one! Wow. Talk about encouraging!

So, here I was a week from my due date and my anxiety level was reaching a high. I wanted to see my baby but I wasn't too sure that I wanted to deliver her...but there really aren't many choices in that department. She couldn't stay in there forever...could she? My mind kept coming up with super crazy scenarios...why didn't we lay eggs, why didn't men have the babies instead, why didn't we have zipper bellies??? Yep, each scenario got crazier and crazier. I think I might have been going insane.

In the midst of all that craziness an odd feeling started in my stomach. Hmmmm, was I hungry...yep, that's probably it. I always seemed to be. So, I ate something. That didn't take care of it. The odd feeling just kept coming and going. Wait, maybe this is it? Maybe these are contractions?! So, I called my doctor's office. They informed me you would just know when you were having a contraction because you could just tell. Not quite the most helpful advice ever. So, I assessed the situation...did I think this was it?, I guess not. They did tell me to time the odd feeling to see if they were coming in regular intervals though. They weren't. Phewf. Coast clear. This wasn't it.

Somehow I had missed the "just knowing it is a contraction" gene because this was it! The contractions continued through the day and became more regular. My husband & I checked into the hospital. The doctor confirmed that we were going to be meeting our baby girl some time that day. Wow! How exciting! Oh no...that means I have to deliver her! I informed the doctor several times that I wanted an epidural. He smiled and said they would send the anesthesiologist. The epidural was heaven sent! It was smooth sailing from there on out. I caught a little nap...don't know how I managed that with my nerves the way they were! The nurse came in and woke me so the doctor could break my water. My husband ended up almost fainting! He turned deathly pale and broke out into a sweat. I was sitting there totally fine watching as the nurse bustled around him and gave him juice to try to get him to feel better. It was so funny! He was totally embarrassed...he was supposed to be the care partner & ended up being a patient. I still tease him about that one.

Anyway, after all that the nurse came back in to check on me & she said that we were ready to go! It was time to call the doctor...she was crowning! The doctor arrived and fifteen minutes and five pushes later she was here!!!! I couldn't believe it. I had felt nothing and now I had a sweet and gorgeous baby girl! This was absolutely amazing!!! I am definitely going to be the next spokesperson for epidurals! Wow! I wish I had known how easy it was going to be...all that worrying for nothing and now I had gorgeous baby girl that would have made anything I had to go through worth it!

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