Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm a Coupon Dork...

So, I was at the grocery store and the manager called me a professional couponer...too funny! Well, I am NOT a professional couponer (wish I was!). I am just getting going with these grocery deals, but I do have a HUGE pink trapper keeper (Am I dating myself??? Does anybody still call a folder with a zipper a trapper keeper??? Anyway, back to what I was saying...) soooooo I guess that makes me a coupon dork. Wow...the sad reality just hit me in the face...and here I thought I was so cool! haha Well, I saved $70 in groceries today and I am sooooooooo excited cause that is what makes a coupon dork excited!

1 comment:

Tara said...

You got called a "Professional Coupon-er!" I'm jealous!!!! :)